3 Essential Tips for Landlords During Covid
Posted on 20th January 2021 at 13:26
There is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused our work life to change. With a lot of confusion and uncertainty right now, it can get very demanding as a landlord.
If you are either a property owner who, on a short-term or long-term basis, rents out their property, then you probably have a lot of questions and very few answers. Check out our 3 essential tips to help you as a landlord manage during Covid:
1) Stay informed: COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions are constantly changing, often with little notice to landlords and tenants to stay updated with the news and only rely on trusted sources. If still unsure, visit the Citizens information page that is regularly updated in line with the latest COVID-19 guidelines: https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting_a_home/tenancies_and_covid19.html. If an agent manages your properties, ask what steps your agent is taking concerning the current situation. 2) Isolate if necessary. If you or your tenant have been informed they need to self-isolate, it is essential to avoid exposing you and your tenants to risk. A good recommendation will be to have a contingency plan in place your tenant's movement is restricted for two weeks. Keeping several accessible forms of communication with all stakeholders will really help in this situation in the event of Covid. 3) Don't Panic: If you feel your anxiety levels rising, know that you're not alone with so much conflicting information coming out on a day-to-day basis it's easy to be overwhelmed. And remember, you do not have to figure everything out by yourself. If you need advice, Forbes Property is always available to give a helping hand. Why not throw us an email or call and help us take that burden off your shoulders.

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